Ramavarmapuram, Thrissur, Pin - 680 631, Phone No. 0487 2328488 (VHSE) Phone No. 0487 2333868 (HS)

Email - gvhssramavarmapuram@vhsethrissur.org

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wiring & Maintenance of School Class Rooms & Labs

Merit Day 07.07.2014

Honoured the top scorers of VHSE & SSLC students. MLA Therambil Ramakrishnan inaugurated.

Cleaning the School Compound and Waste Management

Anti Narcotic Day 26.06.2014

Anti Narcotic Day- Plegde -
A class was conducted by Police Department.

As a part of agricultural development, diversified crops like Maize,  and Tapioca were planted in Vegetable Garden along with common vegetables.

AHEP Class on 20.06.2014

Gynacological class to girls by Dr. Sheeja and Dr. Meera             (Saroja Nursing Home,Thrissur).

Reading Week 19.06.2014

Inaugurated by Smt. Indira .K.R,  Programme executive Officer, All India Radio  Volunteers conducted various Literal Programmes.